Coffee beta tasting
A 13-year-old eagle huntress in Mongolia
Published on April 15, 2014 By coffeegrinder In WinCustomize Talk

Makes you think about how easy a life most of us in the west have.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 21, 2014

drawing on cave walls, playing with dinosaurs, trying to capture fire and failing miserably.. ( shit kept burning my fingers..)


Just an average days work back in the day..

on Apr 21, 2014

13... just about to enter pon farr

on Apr 21, 2014

drawing on cave walls, playing with dinosaurs, trying to capture fire and failing miserably..

You're not half showing your age... like Jafo can only go back as far as Moses and the bulrushes... though one could easily be forgiven for mistaking him for a dinosaur.  Yeah, he once tried to enter an archaeological competetion, but was subsequently disqualified because the age on his application form showed he was older than the dirt most fossils were found in.

Fuzzy Logic

13... just about to enter pon farr

Which is Klingon for reform school.

And before anyone says "but he's Vulcan, not Klingon", I know that.... but that's what he wants us to think, so the trail to his bad-boy-days goes cold.

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